
Want 2 move to Benalmadena - have accomodation there - any suggestions or ideas?

by  |  earlier

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We have our own accomodation over there so that's not a problem but the work situation worries me. Would be prepared to do most jobs. Have plenty of bar experience etc but majority of my work experience would be in the medical administration field. I have very basic spanish and am planning on doing a course to improve my language skills. My partner is a taxi driver but has also served an apprenticeship as a barman (back in the days when you had too!!) Would really love some advice as to the work situation.




  1. You would probably pick some Bar work up but very seasonal & not to be relied upon for a regular income.  Somewhere like Benalmadena, you would be required to work VERY unsocial hours.  Other 'legal' jobs usually require a high degree of Spanish.

    Taxi work is extremely difficult, if you don't go through the legal channels to obtain a license and all the other Spanish requirements, you risk being threatened & beaten up, especially if you go anywhere near Malaga airport.  Sorry to put the dampers on things, but this is how it is!

  2. Dont bother. The Coast is on a massive downward spiral which started about three years ago. Take this as a friendly warning or you will live to regret it.

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