
Want a new DVD player, any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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It must be upconvted, and have a HDMI output. Other then that i dont know much about them. I have about $100 bucks for one.




  1. Get a PS3 because the PS3 can do every thing and the PS3 can play the regular DVD format and the Blu-ray format.

  2. if you want to keep it for 5 or 6 years

    don't buy a DVD player

    cuz Blu-ray player are out now

    and Blu-ray's movies too

    i think after 5 years they will be no more DVD

    anyway .. if u really want a DVD player

    Panasaonic is very good

    look for the "free region" one

  3. Drummerd/Al-nuef: come on guys .. read the question! How is anyone going to buy Blu-ray for $100?

    Furthermore, DVD is going to be around for a long, long time to come. Blu-ray is, and will likely remain, an expensive alternative to DVD for the minority able to benefit and willing to pay the premium prices.

    The best deal for an upconverting DVD player is, maybe surprisingly, one of the HD DVD players being sold off at liquidation prices (<$100). They are becoming a bit harder to find as they get snapped up, but has them, and Wal-Mart were selling off theirs for $69 recently.

    Why would you want one? Mainly because they are being sold well below cost, make an excellent upconverting player (equivalent to $150-$200 DVD only players), have HDMI outputs and -- as a bonus should you want to -- play HD DVD disks (as good as Blu-ray and with several hundred titles to choose from, and often at prices well below Blu-ray are a good way to try out HD media).

    If you don't want, or can't find, an HD DVD player, note that you would be best to avoid the cheap upconverting players (say under $50-$60) since the video processing is generally less capable (or no better) than the processor in your HDTV. See the 1st link for a discussion.

    Good upconverting players (e.g. Oppo models) are in the $125-$250 range, although a cheaper >$60 player will give good results too. See the 2nd link.

    A final thought, be sure whatever player you pick plays the other formats you want in addition to DVD ... e.g. CD, jpeg, WMA, MP3, Divx.

    Hope that helps.

  4. Try Philips, its good for the price we pay. Get it from best-buy

  5. Just go shopping at a place like Fry's or Best Buy, there are many to choose from under $100.00 and I have seen 1080i upconverting DVD players for as little as $39.00. HD DVD is an option if you want to also pick up some of the HD DVDs at the going out of business sales, but I have one and actually my upconverting DVD is much more versatile and faster although the 1080p real HD is very nice.

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