
Want a software which give buy sell signal in stock?

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any software in stock market which give buy and sell signal both in real time and end of day




  1. ha ha ha ha ha ha

    that programmer would be rich by now..........

    only use the software given in your head, thats the only perfect one.

  2. this is not a sales pitch they tell you when to get in and out of stocks. on june 11, 2008, they sent me an e-mail telling me to sell all of my stocks which i did, and man am i glad i did. if you go to their website they will even screen 3 stocks for free for each e-mail address that you give them. i have paid for many services, theirs has a very high level of accuracy. it will make you money, and protect your money at the same time.

  3. You sound like you're willing to pay for a fantasy.  There's plenty of stuff out there willing to take your money. Pick your scam of choice.

    RE: VectorVest

    VectorVest is not a "black box" answer to all trading needs. Their system is fallible, but it's very good at narrowing the field for you.  It takes months to fully appreciate the tools they give you. It's good for position traders. Good, but not great for Swing Trading. Poor for Day Trading.

  4. input buycost

    perform checkstockprice

    If stockprice > (buycost *1.1) perform sellstock.

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