
Want helpfor my sience project?

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i m thinking of making a seismograph but have to make a project on

physics science

so is th any way to relate a seismograph with physics

if yes then pls tell

if not then do plstell another prject (on physics)

pls tell projects that suit a an 8th grader

every answer wud be appreciated




  1. Well, you  could make an argument for (if it's this type) physics that movement makes the needle move?...

    If not, then try perpetual motion machines. The idea is to make something that will move forever, such as a two-weight wheel, the idea that two weights on opposite sides of a wheel would cause it to continue to roll forever. They seem plausible in theory, but the never work, because except in outer space, perpetual motion is against the laws of physics. There are tons on drawings for them, so you could build several models and show how they don't work.

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