
Want learn for civil engenering so i am old but i like studiy and i need web said with out fee?

by  |  earlier

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can any body show me light for continio learning to take cirtificat for do best job for me i am very interst for every body thanks iam from wounded country




  1. Yahoo picked up on certain keywords and incorrectly dumped this question in the wrong category.  You will get better responses by changing the suggested category.  After you initially submit your question-the next page is ASK YOUR QUESTION: CATEGORIZE YOUR QUESTION  At this point, click either BROWSE CATEGORIES or COMPL:ETE LIST and scroll through the menus to assign your question to the best category.

    You can repost your question in the correct category following these directions.

  2. This is special education for those with additional needs. Your question would be better posted in studying abroad or higher education.

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