
Want to Be Rich?

by  |  earlier

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Really? Are u sure? If you won $15M in the Lotto tonight, might you just--now that you can afford it--do lines of cocaine until you died in a month or so? Isn't it true, that for most people, their poverty is their blessing, because no way do they possess the discipline to control vast wealth...? They could be hurt?

So...are you sure?




  1. yes

  2. After taxes, I'd probably get a bit more than half the face value of the ticket.  I'd take half of that and create a charitable foundation, invest what's left and live off of the interest.

    I'd be able to buy a house and get my sister out of the nursing home she's been in since she had a stroke at the age of forty-nine (three years ago).  I'd also be able to pay for speech and physical therapy for her.

    Yes.  I would love to be rich.  It would be an enormous improvement over how I live now, disabled on Social Security: can't afford to visit or even call anyone; use only night lights at night to keep the electric bill down; do my laundry by hand in the kitchen sink because I can't afford to have my faucet fixed, and even if I could I can't afford the electricity to run my washer and dryer; have to do all my cooking in the microwave oven because I can't afford to get my stove fixed (I don't know what I'll do if, or should I say when, the microwave oven breaks); I'd love to have high-speed Internet (dial-up, while better than nothing, drives me nuts because it's so slow); cable TV would be nice (although I do okay without it); it'd be nice to have clothes that don't have holes and/or require safety pins to keep them from falling off; new shoes would be wonderful; I'd be able to take my cat to a vet (he's been sick since last May); I'd be able to get a new TV rather than worry about what I'm going to do when the signal is HD only next year; I used to be involved in lots of hobbies but can't afford them now; I haven't bought a book in years so I'm rereading the ones on my shelves (can't live without reading); it'd be wonderful to have a new computer (mine is about ten years old), and on and on . . .


  3. definitely.dis answer does'nt needs to be answered.its understood

  4. For some people yes.

    On the other hand, there are so many good ans useful things I could do with $15-M, that cocaine never even entered my mind until you mentioned it.... and in any cae, it is so far down the list, that there are many 15 million things ahead of it!
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