
Want to Get into acting?

by Guest60777  |  earlier

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Its been a dream of mine to go into the acting buisness do i start?

1. I'v heard of an agent....but wat do they do?

2How would i find one?

3. How should i start?




  1. agents take your money, and supposedly "find" you auditions. a manager is one in the same as an "agent".  If you really want to find one, go to the source: order a subscription online to the LA Times, once they start arriving to your house, check the classifieds and you absolutely 100% will find more than enough to keep you busy!

    Start (if thats the way you want to start) by getting that subscription.

    also, get a portfolio. Head shots, candid, action and dramatic.

    all must haves.

    some people get jobs in major films just because of the way they look. the guy who read the script great, might not get it, simply because he didn't "mesh" well with the lead actress, and YOU might.

    get your picture out there.

    kick up some dirt.

    You can be the next DiCaprio.

  2. An agent would represent you and contact/be contacted by any work that is available and suits you.  They then ring you and set up the audition for you and accept or decline the offer for you if you get one.

    You find a reputable agent at an acting agency - look for one near you home but preferably in a big city as they tend to be the ones that are real not just a con.

    Oh, and don't pay any money to have photo's taken etc...that's a con!

  3. No one ensures you success (only scammers!). First, make yourself clear if you want a JOB or an ACTIVITY that will make you happy. If you want to be "famous" or being professional and then make money, you should differentiate that being notorious is not necesary being talented, or, even worse, will make you compromise many ethical things that you might not like to do or act in plays that you dont really like. Be professional, not famous. Make what will nurture you. Best of luck.

  4. i wish i knew. =[[

  5. Agents will be the people who know the business and can get you work. They will be the ones to set up auditions. Most of the time when people are casting they go through agents to have someone audition for them that is a particular type. The Agent would then contact you and let you know where to audition.

    They will also help you in what you will need such as head shots. You will have to pay for those of course. Paying for them is not a con. It's your head shots for your work. If you are going to a reputable Agent they will want you to have them. You pay the agent, they don't pay you. Some may pay for your photo's,but it depends.

    If you do not have an agent your a bit limited in casting calls.

    You can find them rather easily. Depends on where you are planning on being. Just do a search online for casting Agents. Some agents you will actually have to interview for as they could say they don't want to represent you. Depends where you go really.... It's doable.

    Good luck! Don't give up on your dream! :)

  6. you shoudl do some classes!participate in plays! build up your resume! get an agent! do auditions! get headshots!

    and for an agent go to and scroll down till you find city nearest you

    read everythign you see! and click on words in blue but not double udnerlined ones and i suggest that you sign up with alan baltes go to first site and look at right column it explains everything! he wont be an agent just help you out and its a one time fee of 30 dollars and totally worth it!please do not report mee ok i am not doing anything bad and this isnt spam or solicitation its not my site!i just copy and paste my answer cause its teh same for every question and sometimes i alter it! whats wrong with that?

    all your info is in those sites just read everything

  7. agent-finds you work.

    how would you find one-go to and they list legit ones.

    how should i start- classes,local theatre,more local theatre, get a headshot, put together you're resume, mail it out to agents.

  8. A talent agent, or booking agent, is a person who finds jobs for actors, musicians, models, and other people in various entertainment businesses. Agents make their money by making a percentage of the money that their client is paid. They can find you auditions and parts that you normally couldn't find. However, whether you need an agent or not depends entirely on the acting. You may wish to try out theatre acting before you investigate agents so you can see whther acting is the career path for you before shelling out money. Ifyou decide to get an agent, ask around fellow thespians who can recommend better talent agents. Casting calls and auditions can now often be found online so this almost alieviates the need for an agent (not quite, but almost!) Remember acting can be unreliable and you can go for long periods without work (or money!) However, I wish you every luck in the world and hope you will have fun if you decide acting is for you.


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