
Want to adopt internationally but are $2000 below pov. guidelines. Can we prove capability by using assets?

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The only reason we are below is because my husband did not receive his bonus until after the first of the year. We are a family that has almost no debt, owns our own home (which we built with passive solar in mind), mom stays home, husband rides scooter to work, we ride our bikes for transport, heat with wood, grow garden, not your typical American family. We may be poor in the eyes of the gov. but don't need or ask for gov. assistance. We see that we are much wealthier than most families in this world and value our relationships over any worldly possesion. It does not seem fair to penalize us over$2000. We would love to bring another child into our family through adoption. We just need to know if anyone else has applied for an I600A when they were under the pov. guidelines.




  1. The only reason in 99.9% of adoptions is that the birth parents are poor as well. Many come from loving homes but get talked into giving up a child for a bit of money. Some adoptive parents won't agree with me but its true. I agree with you. Money shouldn't be a factor and if that was the case many children in 3rd world countries would n't be getting talked into giving up their children. Read about Guatemala and how over 2/3 the children adopted by US citizens were done pretty much under the table. A facilitator and his family were killed recently by a villiage of 200 people because they were so agressive and lying to young mothers. Look it up on the web. Solola, Guate.  I think anyone that has adopted from this country owes it to their child, to find out the truth. As sick as it is, US priests were even taking children from this country and molesting them. Thats how it came to US gov't knowlege.

    I personally think adoption is a gift but it has to stop when it becomes barter.

  2. Seems to me, you got it together, but there is just a little bit of red tape to get through.  Maybe this  year you won't be below poverty level with your husbands bonus coming in and all.  If not, I'm not sure what to say, just wanted to comment because it sounded interesting after I read it.  Good Luck!

    PS.  How could you afford passive solar if your below poverty?  Isn't that expensive?  Maybe you should take a look at net worth when considering your financial situation for adoption.  Hook up with a good accountant and see what he says.

  3. I am fairly sure that you can use your assets.  I'd recommend contacting an international adoption agency, however.  Just to be sure.  The rules change all of the time.

  4. I'd recommend adopting through your state's foster care system instead.  It's free, the income restrictions only consist of making sure you can pay your bills (which you can), and adopting internationally isn't a viable way to help kids in other countries.  They need to be able to stay where they are, with people they know and love, surrounded by their own history, culture, family, homeland...they just need food in their tummies and a roof over their heads...and their own family.  The kids in the USA, in foster care, are the ones who need new families.  However, if it's your desire to help kids in other countries, and adoption was just a means to an end, I'd recommend giving the money you would have spent on adoption to a worthy charity in the country of your choice.  That would help children in foreign countries far more than taking them away from everything they know and love to be raised by strangers.  (Read blogs written by trans racial adoptees if you don't believe me.)  It's wonderful that you want to help out - you just have to know the right way to do it, and international adoption isn't always the best route for the kids.

  5. Yes, assets such as real estate would count, but going by what you describe, you would not likely be a candidate for adoption.  You can certainly try though. A bonus is never considered guaranteed income unless there is a contract guaranteeing it.  

    My friends were able to adopt with a low income, but they were not below the poverty line, had significant cash balance AND they had significant amounts of debt-free real estate, some easily saleable.

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