
Want to be a guitarist! Help?

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I'm pretty new. I know around 10 songs or so, and only recently did i actually want to get really good. I can usually play songs from Jack Johnson and the like, or easy songs in general. I learn songs just by reading tabs. This doesn't help my guitar hearing* or chord knowledge really. (I know practice makes perfect) But is my practicing the right way to really help? Any tips on how I can improve my playing to the point where i can write songs without a tutor or sitting down and memorizing every chord there is?




  1. knowing the scales, modes, for eg. ionian, bar chords- how they are constructed, basically some music thoery.

    for eg. u don't have to memorize every chord if you know that for a major chord, say C,it is formed from the 1st, 3rd, and 5th key of the C major scale. so chord, is C(1), E(2,) and G(5). piano is good to learn theory on. and knowing that for a minor chord, your raise the 6th (6th or 7th) note of the respective major scale etc etc. and basically experimentation, going crazy and practise!!!

    ur question shows u really don't know how music theory helps, like you said ur new, but i think having some sessions with a teacher, and asking them this stuff will really help you. or askign the teacher to suit the lesson to your personal goal.

    and the more songs you play u learn music theory indirectly if you try pay attention to that aspects. so im' just suggesting u do some addition study (it may be a bit boring, but the fun part, and the whole point of the music theory "study" comes from when you have to be  CREATIVE - remember that. )  i mean study in a more hobby, just take a bit here and there for what you need. its not like you're saying u want to be a composer for soundtracks etc etc

    a lot of ppl think, ugh music theory is boring, but the reason they say that is because they don't know, that music theory makes you "see" HOW the music works.someone could go through and learn all these chrods, but another person could have good ear training, and knowledge of chord theory, and scales, and they could just create things, or jhear a song ,and figure out how to play it because they know HOW, and because they love creating music, or they're creative.

    so in short, practise for the technical aspects, and some chord theory and overtime you can write your own tunes, and figure out how to play others songs you like by ear.

  2. Lesson did nothing for me. I taught myself how to play. I guess the best thing that helped me was just sitting and watching other dudes play (not in video's either). You can learn a lot by how every person plays different.

    Never put that F****** guitar down. If your by it, walk around with it all day. It takes years to get the hang of guitar but you'll get there. Don't give up.

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