
Want to be a math teacher, however, I am concerned about classroom management and speaking in front of class?

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What would be the best way to get over this concern about not being able to manage a classroom and talk in front of my class?a




  1. get the kids involved in the math that is relevant and real life to them - i am always looking for simple math applications= even on yahoo answers!

    learn about math communication groups  and gettign the kids to lead the learning-

    once that happens the classroom management fades

      keep them busy-0 use a stop watch to transition periods of the class.

    dotn let them not be busy fr a second and then classroom mangement is yr job and they dotn have time to play around cos u are on top of yr game.  

  2. Take a classroom management class, tutor students now as a part-time job, observe expert teachers, interview teachers on classroom management techniques.  You will have to find a style that suits you.  If you are shy, that is okay and it is also okay to not be comfortable speaking.  Establishing rules and norms for the classroom gives the teacher a framework to work within and expectations for the students to follow.  

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