
Want to be a mlb catcher?

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hey i want to be a pro baseball catcher in the mlb and am wondering if anyone has good catcher drills. i am 14 and weigh 130lbs i am pretty good was the all star catcher for last years baseball team. i want this more than anything. i am strong and can throw people out when they are stealing from first to second but have to throw it up a little for it to get there. so if you have any drills or workouts i can do at home i appreciate it.




  1. Get tony hortons 10 minute trainer it makes you ripped

  2. To be honest that's a huge goal to achieve and nearly impossible for jsut an all star catcher.  You asked for advice though and I'll give you some.  One thing a catcher needs to be good at is too block the plate.  That would probably be the most important thing to be a defensive catcher.  Keep the ball in front of you and never get it past you.  If the ball gets past you the runner will move on to scoring position or worse.  When you block the ball, you blocl the ball with your chest, and watch the ball come to you.  You don't want scoop because that will increase the chance of letting the ball pass you.  You probably already know this, but I say this because a lot of catcher, even though they know they try scooping the ball.  A good drill is just to have someone to throw a baseball at the ground in front of you, and you try blocking it in front of you.  

    The next thing is a strong arm.  Strong arms are hard to build, usually come with talent.  You can build your arm to be stronger, but not by lifting heavy weights.  You never want hard muscles, but more flexible muscles.  Lift light weights many times.  Also try throwing every day untill your arm gets tired, but always stop when pain comes in.  

    Thats all I can really say about catching, I guess.  

    Batting is also very important to be a professional baseball player.  Always keep a level swing and never have a upper cut.  You don't want to pop the ball up, which you will if you have a upper cut.  

    if you have a level swing you'll get a lot of line drives and if you get under the ball you'll have a double or maybe, with power a HR.  To have a explosive swing always use your hips and "squish the bug".  Don't only use your upper body, you a;ways have to use your whole body so you can drive the baseball.  The next thing would be to have a high average.  Always keep your eye on the ball and never pull your head.  

    That's all I can say now.  Good luck, and keep up the work.  

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