
Want to be a teacher... but when I was 18 I was arrested for domestic violence. Can I still get a teaching job

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So whenever I was 18, My g*y boyfriend and I got into a fist fight. I was arrested for it on a domestic violence charge, and I was wondering I am currently going to school, and I plan to be a teacher. Will this conviction get in the way of my future? Could I get my record expunged, and this help to repair what happened?




  1. you were 18 so I don't think you can get your record expunged.  And I think the charge may get in the way of your career choice, they do criminal checks on teachers and domestic violence is a charge that I'm sure will be frowned upon.

    Check with your states local laws though, the best thing is to always go to the source and find out accurate information before you stress out over it.  And it's best to check on that now before you waste your time in school for something you won't be able to do.

    Good Luck!

  2. State laws may prevent you from getting a teaching certificate and/or a teaching job.  These regulations might not be applicable to private schools which can often hire non-certified teachers and set their own hiring standards.

  3. good luck with that one.

    Contact your state Board of Education.You don't want to waste your time and find out you cannot teach

  4. If it is a felony charge, you probably won't get the job. Sorry but it shows you have or have had issues with anger, and people do not want someone working around children like that. Even if you personally would never hurt a child. (just the way it is)

  5. Well, don't know how old you are now, but it doesn't matter.  Short of murder, armed robbery, or pedophile charges, most criminal records can be waived provided you are honest, report your record, and have paid your debt to society.  Pursue what you want to do in life, and if that is teaching, so be it.  You might run into more issues with being g*y rather then the domestic violence charge, depending on where you are trying to teach.  Just make sure all is above board, and not worry so much about "expunging" as much as "waivered".  Good Luck.

  6. no way. you have violent tendancies and can not be trusted near kids

  7. This depends on where you are and what the charges were.  Each state has its own rules, both for expungement and for who is permitted to teach.  I suggest that you check with your state's department of education on what type of records they will/will not accept, and that you talk to a lawyer locally about expungement.

  8. That depends on the School you are applying to.  You may have to write a letter to the school explaining what happened.  If it is the only offense, you may not have anything to worry about.

  9. In UK they check the offenders database and anyone with a conviction will be barred from a job with children.

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