
Want to do something for the country???

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Hello people this is Sudiv. I am the young youth of my country (India). People always tell that our country is ruined by politicians and now nothing can happen of this country. I don't believe so. It is our duty and responsibility to do something for the country. The main purpose of telling this is to create an awareness amongst the country men. It is only possible only when we are united and as young generation of this world we do something very enthusiastic. Something that moves the whole world. Coming to the point I would like to tell that we should form an institution through Yahoo or any other service and we should be in touch with one another. We should discuss each and every problem that is going on in our province. We should try to take a solution out of each and every problem. Don't let uneducated people rule. Instead we should thinking of getting into politics. I want to make my country a better place to live in. Please suggest something so we can unite & do sumthin. Come on!




  1. bhaya,

           nothing doing ,simply plant trees &inspiire others to do so. thanks.

  2. boycott all ekta kapoor serials

  3. Then we will keep Obama out of office.

  4. Media is a good way of involving everybody. Youth shouldn't be forming groups like fan club for movie stars. They should also form groups for volunteer work.

  5. Not that I am a defeatist but given the present

    political scenario in India where criminalisation

    is rampant,I personally feel that bucking the

    system is just a non-starter.Life is too short for a battle,nay,a war,that you suggest.The common man is too busy trying to juggle and

    balance his budget that he is mired in serious

    problems which have a very telling effect on his physical being itself.More importantly,the war you are planning needs financial resources of a magnitude which the average individual would

    not be aware of because the number of digits we are reckoning will be beyond the ken of

    the Indian middle class and here I mean the upper where both husband and wife are wage earners and have a fairsized balance tucked away to fall back upon for a rainy day.The rainy day starts with the birth of the first heir.I

    did not mean to present a bleak picture or prospect nor do I wish to dampen your spirits.

    One must be pragmatic when planning a project of the magnitude you are suggesting or

    undertaking.But still my wishes go with you.Good Luck and Good Hunting.

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