
Want to do the working holiday thing. Please help!?

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Hi i'm 22 yrs old and i'm considering going on a working holiday, but i have so many questions.

First some background info on myself:

I live in Australia. My Nonna and Nonno (Grandparents) are Italian. I did well in High School (mostly A's) but I didn't do TEE and i have never been to Uni, although I did do an Accounts Clerical course 2 yrs ago at Tafe (but i didn't do anything with it). Most of my work experience is customer service, although recently i had a job as a receptionist.

What do you think is the best way for me to go about going on my working holiday? Should i get an EU passport and work in Italy or should i work in the UK and then travel to Europe when i want to? What kind of things do i have to take into consideration? What about tax? What kind of work can i expect to find?

Sorry these seem so general but they are the ones i would like to know about now and i haven't even asked 1/3 of the questions i'd like to for fear of scaring everybody off lol =)

Any help is great fully received thank you!!




  1. To be honest, its not a great deal of use asking a European holiday question on the Australian pages.

    Try perhaps the Italian ones, which might require a working knowledge of Italian though.

  2. You might get some really good information if you go to the Italian Consulate in your country.  I suspect they have someone who can help you and would be happy to answer many of your questions.

    On the passport, you should go to the governmental website of the country you wish to do your working holiday in, and ask them what the passport requirements are.


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