
Want to drop one of SAT II tests?

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I resistered online for SAT II

U.S history and math level II,

but i'm not confident with math and wanna take history only.

The collegeboard website says i cannot

change it, but i've heard that on the day of the test,

i can just take whichever i want, and what i did not

take will not be scored. Is it true?

Will it be recorded, the fact that i resistered for two but

dropped one, or will they giv me a score of 200?

I'd really appreciate if u could cite your sources.^^

Thank you




  1. The day of the test, when you are in your test room, the proctor  will ask if anyone if they are adding or dropping tests.They will then tell you to just not take the test. You will not be refunded for the test you are not taking though.

  2. im pretty sure you can unregister for a test, but you won't get your money back. try calling them, (probably phone number on site) the site tends to be confusing about registration stuff. good luck

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