
Want to drop your electric use 20%?

by  |  earlier

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two REALLY SIMPLE things.....

walk around your house and see how many 'standby power" lights are on...the microwave, the TV, the VCR. the DVD, the computer, printer, cell phone can look it up, but an MIT study suggested TEN PERCENT of America's electric use is for what they called "vampire power". Put all those devices on a power strip and turn it off when you're not actually using the device.

I manage a 75 unit condo complex. We replaced all the tank water heaters with 'demand draw" flash water heaters.....Stiebel makes a good one. Now, instead of trying to keep 25 or 30 gallons of water at 105 degrees 24/7, electricity is only used when you open a hot water tap.

Anyone else think this has potential?




  1. Absolutely!  Especially the first one 'cos it's easy enough, people just need to spend 5 extra minutes in the morning to unplug a few things and then wait for the smile when they get their next electric bill.

  2. I've been telling people to unplug appliances, but most of them tell me they are not going to plug something in every time they want to use it. How lazy!!

  3. Yes, I've heard similar things about this vampire

    power issue.

    And on demand water heaters are a better idea than tank heaters.  Bosch also makes a good one called, I think, AquaStar. They cost more than a tank system, but pay for themselves in power savings.  They come in both electric and gas versions.

  4. I only see 10%, not 20%.  Typical media exageration.

  5. No, I'm sick of saving electricity.   I have to pay for 100kwh per month even though I don't use that much.   May as well take a warm shower a little more often.

  6. I totally agree with you! Everyone should unplug what they don't use. I do it and while it is a total pain (I have major chronic pain issues and my outlets are real low) but I do it anyway! Because it does save money and power.

    I wish you were my landlord! I can't turn my hot water heater down. It won't let me. There's a thing on it saying I can't "tamper" with it. Grrr. I don't even take a shower every day! So it's always heating water that I don't use. I hate it. I'm trying to go green and it's wasting water. How can I move into your building? Hehe. Keep up the good work!

  7. Not seeing 20% decrease could be considered "normal." Depending on how many devices you had running before tryting this will directly affect the results.

    Example: My house hold had 2 PCs and 2 laptops running plus the normal microwave, stove, tv, ect. When everyone turned off there electronics every night we saved about 18%.

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