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Deanna Cremin was a young, beautiful girl full of hopes and dreams from Somerville, MA who's life was taken in March of 1995. She was only 17 years old. She was strangled and found just a block away from her house. If you have children, nieces, nephews, etc. can you even imagine how that must feel to lose them in just a blink of an eye?!? Well I knew Deanna and let me tell you---IT HURTS!! Please help us fight for justice, and find her killer, he still walks the streets a free man. Let's make a difference now! Please sign the petition at

Also if you are on, go to

and check it out, there you will find all ways you can help out and also, show your support. Thank you all so much!




  1. Wish all the hurt go away for you. What happened was very sad, but use this experience as a motivation to make this world a better place. Like you're doing, educate others about violence and about how to protect their kids. I wish you all the best. Blessings for you.

    But for all of you that are reading this and live in this crazy world help Dog the bounty Hunter, his son Leland and Brother Tim who went to Mexico to capture a serial rapist that excaped to there. Now mexican authorities want to put in jail this american heroes because they consider bounty hunting illegal. Can you believe it? All the victims of crimes and everybody who cares about their families must sign the petition to free them of all charges so they dont extraditated them to Mexico! Sign the petition here:

    To sign that petition means you are caring about what happened to Deanna Cremin and all victims of crimes in our country. Hope you all do the right thing.

  2. I am sympathetic to this murdered girl and her loved ones, but you have been posting these pleas over and over and over, in all different categories, for months, and it is starting to smell a lot like SPAM. This is just not the right forum for this kind of thing. How would you feel if her killer posted questions asking people to sign a petition to get his case dismissed from the courts? I don't know of a television producer choosing to follow a story based on an online petition (or anything else of value being done via an online petition for that matter).

    I know your cause is very just but I feel like I am being harrassed. It's hard to just ignore a question like "can't you spare one second of your life?" I don't think this forum was set up to emotionally manipulate people. You have a website set up and I am glad. You have undoubtedly contacted TV show producers, and that's good too. But this is not the forum to advertise it.

  3. Sorry, I'm not American, but justice is not just claimed in the US but in foreign countries... tenths of murders do also happen in Juarez, Chihuahua, and you can't claim to an extremely corrupted system for justice; or if you get hijacked in the middle of Insurgentes Av. in Mexico City, you cannot get the cops there because they are already bribed. There's no choice but to try living as normal as possible

  4. What you resist, Persists. Try focusing on what you do wish to experience, and the world will become that, mostly to you.


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