
Want to get a Egyptian hieroglyphic Tat.. (any ideas)?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe a nice passage in Egyptian, Symbols, or maybe just my name..

Maybe even some African ideas..




  1. Maybe you should start out by finding out which god/goddess you identify with in Egyptian mythology, then get their symbol.

    Do you see yourself as Ra, the sun god?  Or Isis the goddess of protection?  

    Here's a list :

  2. Dude stop and think about it for a while. heiroglyphics are so lame.

    You will regret it, that or even worse you will go through life thinking they are cool.

    The egyptians suck, they lived in a desert and had no deoderant, you want to have their smelly BO language on your body forever?

  3. Myabe You can get a Wadjat(Eye of horus)

  4. Idrawl............why don't you shut up. dont answer the  Q if you  cant be nice.

    egyptians are not smelly. I am Scottish and married to an Egyptian. He is the cleanest man i have ever met. Not once have i ever smelt BO on him and he showers three or four times a day. He really looks after his appearance and i am proud to be seen with him.

    and yes......i have an Egyptian tattoo of the Ankh. with Egypt written in Arabic underneath it as i love the country so much.

    To the all depends on what you want to put in hieroglyphics. if it is a long word its going to take up a lot of space. why not go for an egyptian symbol, like the ankh, or eye of horus. there is also the scarab and i know  a lot of people have Tut tattoos as well. good luck.

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