
Want to get married....???

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my girlfriend and i want to get married at city hall in san francisco...wat does it require??? and does anybody noe how much it cost????? we just want a quick marriage....we really love each we have to be living with each other to get married??




  1. you sound young so you should w8 some time and im not really sure ask some1 who got married how much everything cost and i dont think you have to live together

  2. Marriage is a very serious matter. Please make sure you know what you are getting into before you do it. If you know a  minister, you and your girlfriend should sit down and talk to him/her about your plans. Some ministers will perform a ceremony for little money if they know the people getting married ( I'm a minister, but I don't feel called to do weddings yet,lol, and I can't say I know you). Please make sure you really are ready before you marry.

  3. Look in your local city hall web site. If you even tried to look you would have found it very easily.

  4. I'm not need a marriage license and a witness, I know that much. The site I put down gives more information, and you can ask for more information as well.

    Good luck, I wish you happiness :)

  5. Don't listen to the nay sayers! My fiance and I were planning a grand affair but opted for a more personal small court house wedding. We had a lot of the same questions, not having been married before, it's quite understandable. First you both of you need a valid picture id and birth certificates, and this is just to get the license! After that you have 90 days to actually get married and most people require an appointment to do so. The price really does depend on the county. We were looking into either los angeles or santa barbara and they are both under $100, plus with the money you will save you can plan on a more grand honeymoon (like we are), a larger down payment on a house, or some really fancy wedding announcements (because you should really inform people)!

  6. could actually try CALLING there to see what the requirements are. Why would you have to be living together to get married? Try doing that first, sounds like you need to wait a while if you can't figure out how to use a telephone/internet.

  7. wow, what's with all the rude comments? he just asked for marriage requirements.

    1. make an appointment

    2. must be 18

    3. you and your girlfriend must be present

    4. valid i.d.

    5. $89

    it's good for 90 days. you're not considered married until the ceremony is performed; which can be done at a justice of the peace. check out this website for more detailed info.

    good luck and congrats!

  8. Call city hall and ask. But make sure you're ready for marriage first... a successful marriage takes alot more than love.

  9. What are you, 12? You sound too clueless to be getting married yet.  Hold on a few years, bucko.

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