
Want to get pregnant?

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My husband and I are both 22, have full time jobs, house, cars, all that fun stuff. We have been back and forth on weither or not we want to try and have a baby.. I really really really want one, I just cant seem to get my mind off it. He wants one also, but I think hes just a little scared. I just dont know what to do in order to get my mind off it.. Even when I tell myself "Okay, wait another year or two and then you can have one" it doesnt work.. I have been thinking about this non stop for the past year at least, and the feeling is not going to go away unless I just do it.. If it were to just happen like an accident, it would be great, its just the whole "lets do it" thing thats scarey for him I think. I guess my question is, has anyone else gone through what I'm going through? and how did you get past it?




  1. yeh you not the only one this wont go away until you have one the only thing is the more you think about it the more you want one if you no you and your partner are ready to make 3 then go for it man!!!

  2. I was 31 when I had my child. It was right for me to wait and when we had our daughter it was right for both of us. If you try to force the issue, it'll cause problems and it's really choice time - do you want a happy, well adjusted marriage for a child or do you want to force the issue. You're 22 for goodness sakes, get some life, get some savings and think about the child but make sure that the time is right for both of you. A year is not a long time and when you're older, you'll realize that. Focus on what you have and not on what you want.

    Oh yeah, and get some couples nights and dates in because once the kids are here that doesn't happen much anymore.

  3. Heya, yeah i went through this with my partner he is 32 and i am 21 i thought he would be the one pestering me but i just couldnt think of anything else. I spoke about it with him and he was scared and said he wanted to wait 2-3 years !!!. I was upset by this but excepted it. About a month later i exploded and told him i was upset that i would have to put my dreams on hold for that long. We agreed to stop taking the pill and let nature take its course, seeing as it takes the averege couple 6-8 months to conceive i thought his fears would die down. I fell pregnant 10 days after stopping the pill and when i told him he was so so happy and he is the most protetive person over my tiny little bump. Yes he is scared but he cant wait to be a dad. perhaps you could try the 'wait and see' method?

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