
Want to get really ripped?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 6'2, 178lbs and from 8-9% bodyfat, maybe a little lower. The question is, how do I get down to 5-6% without losing the weight that I have? Also, how long would it take me to lose these 3% of fat?




  1. Intense training.

    When you think you're done, do whatever you were doing TEN more times.

  2. that depends what are exercises are you planing on choice for you is weight lifting get some weights and do some work.start to work out you will lose body fat but gain muscle which weights a bit more than fat.but whats good about it is that you gain a bit of weight because of muscle but it makes you look good unlike do some running then hit those weights.

  3. running and ab workouts are the key to getting ripped and losing body fat.

    i'm there. 4%

  4. power yoga. youll tone every part of ur body while barely losing weight and ull learn to breathe properly.

  5. I dont think tht can get 5-6%

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