
Want to get rid of icons at the bottom of the screen?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know how can i get rid of icons at the bottom of the screen.

the one next to the volume control icon.




  1. Go to settings on those programs and set them to 'Not to run when windows start up'

  2. Go to start ,run

    type msconfig

    press ok

    in system  configuration window

    click  start up

    un-check programmes whose icons should not appear

    press ok

    restart computer

  3. Razia, it is application/software independent.You have to open the application preferences or options and there you will see the option for "Place the icon in the system tray".You have to uncheck it and the icons will be gone :)

  4. You should install Tune Up Utility ( which is free for 2 months) . It is very good software & must need for pc.

    After installing you have to click Manage Start Up , it will show all processes that starts with booting of your window. Just mark processes that you dont want to execute with booting. Enjoy More available RAM i.e. Fast computing  

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