
Want to go to South America for spring break - where do I go?

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I would like to go to South America for Spring break (beginning of april) and I had some thoughts. Just looking on Orbitz flight alone to Brazil is $1,000. However hotel and flight to Buenos Aires is $1,300 but its in the southern hemisphere; it will be cold.

So where is a good place in South America that has the beaches and the nightlife that will not make this student poor?




  1. A flight to Ecuador is $650 and they've got great beaches at Montanita!  The cost of living is relatively very cheap (you can easily find full meals for $1, hostels are around $4-8/night, hotels vary widely by how nice it is).  It's a place very few people have ever seen and the clubs in Quito are very nice.  The southern hemisphere won't be cold, it's their summer during our winter!  have fun!

  2. Brasil is a good choice.... safe and fun for tourists. Brasilians do not speak Spanish, they speak Portuguese. So if you speak Spanish you won't get far in Brasil. Brasil is mostly in hte northern hemisphere but the major cities like Rio are in the south. A Brasilian winter is actually really warm, ( my boyfriend is Brasilian) Rio, according to my boyfriend, has beautiful beaches but lot's of people. The best beaches in the South are those that suround the northern regions though, because they are quieter and less people are around. Brasil has more 'colorful' people than most of South America. Argentina is much like Europe and North America in climate... and the pollution is actually problematic. My boyfriend's friend is Argentinian, and she says that it is very much like Oregon, and northern California.

    The exchange rate in Brasil is around $.28 to a dollar or so...

  3. Costa Rica, best place to go for college students, also USA friendly so no worries there. They have beautiful white sand beaches for surfing, relaxing, or whatever your pleasure, or travel an hour or two to their mts. for snow sking. Great clubs, wonderful people. I know its technically central america, but its close enough. Also REALLY cheap once you get there.

  4. You should come to Rio de Janeiro, in February we will be  hostting the carnival, the world's biggest party. Plus we are the city with the biggest variety of youth hostel's in all over Latin America. The gurls here all want to phunk Americans.

    Out side Rio just few hours driving you can find crystal clear beaches with amazing waterfalls. GO TO RIO BRO

  5. Brazil is usually warm year-round.

    Buenos Aires is known for having some of the best night-life in the world. But i don't think the weather will be warm enough to go to the beach in Argentina.

    Try both if you can.  And it won't be very cold in Argentina.

  6. When it is winter in the northern hemisphere, it is summer in the southern. Right now it is summer in Argentina, not winter.

  7. Hey, you have Ecuador, is like Costa Rica. The beaches are nice. If you go to Montañita you will find a lot of tourist, huge beaches and good surfin. The hotels (more hostals) are on the beach! but they are like tikis igloos. You will love it! If you want snow? you can get it just traveling 5 hours, isn't great? Currency is dollar, but you can have a plate  of fresh fish, rice, green plantain and saldas for 4 dollars, or if you prefer you can get pizzas too!

  8. galapagos island in ecuador, or salinas, montañita, in ecuador, if you prefer mountains loja and vilcabamba

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