
Want to go to australia live there as a child and are austarlian but how much money would i need?

by  |  earlier

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what pitfalls should i know even though im doing research.imlooking to work with a glass easy is it to find work knowing that 80% go by word of mouth




  1. You don't sound as if you lived in Australia as a child - is your imagination going a little wild ?  If you do want to live there then you need to go through the right channels via the Australian emmigration system.

  2. Your question needs to be more specific if you want a proper answer.

    Depending on what country your from the money exchange rate will vary. Depends on how much money you intend to enter the country with?

    If you apply for a working visa before entering the country then you will just be kicked out once you arrive. Unless you are associated with a company of some sort and are there on business. - applying for a working visa in most countries is best left until you have arrived in the country, dont ask why, it just is.

    back to your original question about how much money will you need. once again, depends on your lifestyle. 400+ per week.

  3. If you are relying on word of mouth --

    You need to learn English, It is spoken over there.

    If you are making glass, well they have loads of sand, that's a good start.

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