
Want to have a 4.0 or higher GPA this year

by Guest56195  |  earlier

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I will be going into 9th grade this year and I really want to make straight A's, and be able to focus for a change.

Any tips? On anything, studying, homework, etc.

Oh, and these are the classes I am taking:

Honors Geometry


History (second semester)


And then there are my electives, but I'm not going to post them because they don't require studying.




  1. I would say to pay attencion in class and take lots of notes. Clean notes so that you can study them later, and also be sure to put them in order of date(or whichever order fits more to you). Make a schedule and buy an agenda so you can keep track of what you have to do and what you have done. Keep track of you grades.  If you know your weak on a subject or your not doing so well focus more on that subject than the rest. Just try to be organized and don't slack off.

    Don't worry if for some reason you don't get the grade that you expect, just keep setting goals for yourself. That will keep you motivated.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Well, get plenty of sleep each night so that your brain isn't tired and that you can be well rested and prepared each day. Waking up at the same time each morning can help keep you on track.

    Having a schedule and following it kind of goes along with that. Being organized can lower your stress which can allow you to concentrate on your work.

    Never skip breakfast (especially before a test) because its the most important meal of the day and helps you get going in the mornings.

    Always set aside time each day for when you can hit the books and study for the things you need to. I suggest making flashcards for terminology in biology or english.

    And i shouldn't have to say this, but don't get into any illegal drugs. Looking cool is not worth ruining your judgment skills.

    Good Luck! I'm sure you'll do great if you really want it and try hard.

    I've only got a GPA of 3.54 but i hope these help you.  

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