
Want to hear a good Rugby joke?

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The Sprinboks were playing England, and after the half-time whistle blew they found themselves ahead 50-0, Brian Habana getting eight tries. The rest of the team decided to head for the pub instead of playing the second half, leaving Habana to go out on his own.

"No worries," Habana told them, "I'll join you later and tell you what happened." After the game Habana headed for the pub where he told his teammates the final score: 95-3.

"What!!!!" said a furious Springbok captain, "How did you let them get three points??!" Habana replied apologetically, "I was sent off with 20 minutes to go."





  1. You're right, thats pretty funny :) Reminds me of some of the scores I've seen from the all blacks in past years.

  2. The All Black Selectors

  3. LOL!

    Habana is definitely a spectacular Rugby player..cant wait to watch the final...its going to be awesome.

  4. Lol - in your dreams sonny jim.  There will be 2 teams out there tomorrow.  England XV and the supporters.

    Good joke mind you - you can laugh now, we laugh tomorrow.

    20 years ago Habana would have been disbarred from playing because of the colour of his skin - how nice?

  5. Ha Ha love it!!  Wakeen man get over yourself!

  6. haha good one...

  7. Does it make fun of The springboks, or England? Because Habana isnt the only reason they reached the final, but, for England, Wilkinson is

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