
Want to hear something ridiculous?!??

by  |  earlier

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ok, so I found my old boyfriend from middle school (we're now 27-28 yrs old). I sent him a message, and was afraid he wouldn't respond since I told him I was married. I finally explained that I was going through a divorce, and he just wrote me back. He's always been such a this...lmao....

No, I was not thinking you had a problem. And forgive me, my intention was neither to imply nor indicate that seduction constituted your previous conveyance. Personally, I tend to avoid friendly encounters with those involved in an established relationship due to the increase in social dilemma and third party misconceptions. Considering your familiarity and understanding of this methodology, I will now approach matters pragmatically. However, collective response will undergo further analysis and consequently, objective statements may compose the majority of my feedback. lol.

How the h#ll do I respond to that besides tell him that he's full of sh#t!...lmao!!




  1. umm tell him that you want  to talk to him not his robot personality and to stop copying and pasting from the dictionary. I'm a writer and i dont talk like that it always annoyed be that they can be so pretentious..excluding me im wayyy to hyper to be worried about all that..but d**n girl you got patience i dated a guy like that and he just got more  and more weird he used to call me to tell me the news lmao


    so just be careful lol

  2. haha! Sounds like a creep to me!

  3. all i can say about this is that you need to try harder

  4. You should just text him exactly: "how the h**l do I respond to that besides tell you that you're full of ****!? lmao!!"

    He's a pretty funny guy.

  5. tell him to see a shrink!

  6. Lol I would ask him out, seems to make you smile.

  7. I have 2 questions;

    1) Does that even make any sense?

    2) If it does, what does it mean?

    Reply to him saying 'you're full of sh#t!...lmao!!'

  8. what a whacko i didnt even understand half the s h i t   he wrote lol

    but if you like him then you should go out with him or not if hes too nutty for you lmao

  9. get some big words chuck em all together and send

  10. gosh!!!

  11. HAH! That is the funniest thing I've read all morning. Just be like "I see your vocabulary has expanded ever so much." And then just start talking about yourself and ask about him. Maybe his collective thoughts will tone down.  

  12. LOL ha that guy has an awesome sense of humour! Go and ask him if he wants to get coffee or something to catch up :P and hopefully if all goes well you might get back together again. :) that's if you want to though. But heck I say go for it.

  13. Was the lol at the end part of his message?

    If so, maybe he was just fooling around.

    If not, he's super weird.

  14. what an idiot

  15. oh thats funny, thats funny, lol

    "how the bloody h**l do you think I can respond to this?" say that

  16. Reply to him with

    "So, do you wanna meet for a drink then?"

  17. That guy is neither a wacko or an idiot (as the two previous posters seem to think, they obviously have no sense of humor at all).  That guy is freakin hilarious!  Looks like he got himself a brand-spankin new thesarus!  Classic.

    Tell him he's full of S**t, but make sure you let him know you get his humor.

  18. send him an email that says "i beg your pardon?"

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