
Want to improve on violin?

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I want to improve on the violin. I want to know how long you suggest I practice daily. Also I would like a list of exercises that will help me with vibrato, playing by ear and shifting. Please? and Thank You=)




  1. I'm guessing there is some reason you haven't gotten a private teacher.  Is it money? Don't think one will work?  I had orchestra class in middle and high schools.  Due to lack of good private instruction, I picked up bad habits.  What is the next best thing to teacher?  I don't know how good / bad you are, but joining a low-level community / church orchestra helped me.  People will sometimes give you pointers.  You may even be able to "barter" for some lessons.  I still don't have a private teacher, but this accomplished violinist:

    Loaned me his better violin

    Loaned me his Kreutzer studies book

    Gave pointers


      - Easter eggs with dry rice or beans inside will help with the motion.  Try to get an even rhythm.

    - With the violin in hand, vary the size and speed of the vibrato.  Don't collapse your wrist onto the neck of the instrument.

    - Watch you tube videos of the great masters.  Copy them with your egg.

    Playing by ear

      - Learn your scales and chords.  Once you know what scales and chords exist, you know what notes you can play.

    - Turn on the radio and/ or put on CD's. Try to play along.  I know how to play by ear and that really helps.  Also, the current version of Windows media player has a way to slow down music.

    -  Shifting

    A good shifting studies book will help.  It is best to learn that systematically.  

    - Sight reading

       - Check out the tempo, dynamics, and key of a piece.  

      - Do rhythm exercises (there are books for those as well)

    -   Do more sight reading; the more the merrier

  2. Do you have a private teacher?  The best way to improve on the violin is to find a good private teacher.  

    Practice is only useful if you are practicing correctly, which is why you need a private teacher.  Otherwise, you will likely be practicing mistakes.  

    Exercises may be found in a lot of books, but you need a private teacher to pick the exercises and show you how to play them.

  3. at least once a day preferably 30-45 min.

    just move ur hand up anddown the finger board in long strokes then get faster and smaller movments to eventually u get to vibrato

    just play around on the fingerboard for shifting and get a shifting book

    and then playing by ear just comes with practice.

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