
Want to join volleyball. Is it hard to learn?

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I'm moderately athletic. About 9 minutes and 30 seconds permile. Does that do any good? People at my school are highly athletic and I'm not at all. I think My upper arm strength is good at hitting, but I can't do a pushup. However, I can do 40 sit ups in a row? lol I'm not sure if this information and if it will affect my volleyball skills, but everyone who joins is very very good at sports. I"m 13. Do you have any tips for me to join and do you think that it's possible for me to lern how to play volleyball in 2 weeks>?




  1. i wouldn't say it is hard to learn, but it is hard to master.  if you are good at hand/eye coordination.  you should find places that give you drills to do.  i'm sure there are places online so you can work on footwork.  good luck

  2. Volleyball requires teamwork and communication, as well as good eye-hand coordination.

    My suggestion? Give it a shot.

  3. all you realy have to know is how to pass set and serve.

  4. volleyball is easy and you can pick it up very quickly, just one practice and you kind of know what you are doing. Abs are important for hitting and serving, arm strength not so much. But good luck, I love volleyball.

  5. Practice practice practice. No one starts off great just apply yourself and see what happens

  6. fairly simple

  7. Volleyball is a game, were you don't have to have great skills, but can still have fun. At my school, we don't have to try out to be on a team. We just fill out a form, with a $70 check, and go to the first practice.

  8. Omg volleyball is the best sport their is.Of course you should join.And no its not hard you just have to try your best.Good luck and try out.

  9. Of course it's possible. It's easy.

    Just keep your eye on the ball, your teammates, and hit it. You should call out "I got it" before you hit it so you don't hit anyone else in the face or something.

  10. well, learning to play volleyball, and playing volleyball competitively are two different things.

    Volleyball itself is a fairly simple game to learn. If you're moderately athletic (and have a decent level of co-ordination), you should be able to pick it up fairly easily.

    Mastering it - or at least getting to the point where you're able to play at a competitve level will take a bit more time.

    I would definitely try out, see how you do, and then take it from there.

    To increase your skill level, you should look for places you can play volleyball - after school intramurals, leagues, open gyms - things like that. If you start getting good enough you can try out for a junior national team - which plays at a pretty competitve level.

    There are lots of resources on the internet with tips and suggestions for improving your game. You can also find volleyball resources - places that have leagues, things like that.

    As for your strength. Upper body strength is important, but so is abdominal strength (you can "snap" your body forward while you're spiking). Hitting (and serving) doesn't require a ton of strength - if you hit it too hard, you'll probably end up hitting it long - which doesn't help at all.

    Good luck to you.

  11. easy.  Hurts at first though.  Mostly becuase you need practice to hit it correctly

  12. piece of chocolate cake

  13. You can certainly learn the basics in say four or five one hour sessions. It's not hard to learn, but to play well it is a lot more difficult than it looks.

    Don't let that put you off though. It's the ultimate team sport and you'll get enjoyment out of it very quickly as well as imporving your overall fitness. And even if you're not tall you can find a good niche as setter or develop defensive skills.

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