
Want to know about horse magazines in USA?

by Guest33059  |  earlier

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Any magazzine you know in usa let me know,

any barrel,roping,reiner,etc any




  1. I like The Central States Horseman Magazine/Newpaper   Its published by

  2. Western Horseman is one I would recommend. If you like English style sports, then I would recommend the Chronicle of the Horse, which is published weekly, or Practical Horseman ( monthly) and Dressage Today ( for dressage enthusiasts like myself) also a monthly. Anyone who is interested in horse health topics might also enjoy Equus Magazine. Otherwise, Horse and Rider, Horse Illustrated, and the Horse Journal are all good ones to check out. Hope that helps.

  3. western horseman

  4. i live in illinois and get western horseman, horse illustrated, equus, the horse, american farriers journal, and the professional farrier.  as a farrier myself i use these to help me keep up with new research and because these are the main magazines my customers read.  the ones i listed have the best horse hoof info.

    other magazines are horse USA, horse and rider

  5. Horse Illustrated, Horse and Rider, Quarterhorse-AQHA America's Horse Magazine

    Hope this helps!

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