
Want to know advantages of aeroplane and helicopter fights.?

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First enumerate the advantages of aeroplanes over helicopters and then that of helicopters over aeroplanes as aircrafts for flight.




  1. "If you are in trouble anywhere in the world, an airplane can fly over and drop flowers, but a helicopter can land and save your life" ---Igor Sikorsky

  2. It depends on the application. For moving troops/injured people, Helicopters are better because they can take off and land a lot faster than airplanes.

    Airplanes, especially jets, have the advantage of being much faster.

  3. Aeroplanes:

    Large range

    more passengers

    more cargo




    access to a wider range of terrain

  4. take off & landing

    - aeroplanes need runways excluding the hover jets.

    - helicopters don't need runways but still a proper area to land.

    speed & time

    - aeroplanes are faster of course.


    - aeroplanes fly higher but not really good for sightseeing.

    - helicopters fly lower and good for sightseeing if they are not flying so high and if weather is clear of course.

    cargo & loads

    - aeroplanes can carry more depends on the type.

    - helicopters can carry loads but not as much as a real transportation plane used in military.

    service & comfortability

    - aeroplanes provide more service (business class, etc...), and handle more passengers.

    - helicopters do but aeroplanes do better somehow.

    (hope this helps...)

  5. Fights, or flights?

  6. 1. Planes have better range and better payload capability that a helecopter so for a commercial opperation over greater distances the plane is the way to go.

    2. A helicopter can get into places that an aircraft can't so for shorter hops to very specific places, the helicopter is the way to go.

    Just my opinion.  I hope it helps answer your question.

  7. airplanes can go farther, faster and carry more people helicopters can take off and land in places that planes cant

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