
Want to know everything about green living!?

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i want to make my home green. please tell me EVERYTHING you know about this. include links if u can!




  1. Here. I found this site, Says all there is to know about it.

    Have fun!

  2. You need to lay out some boundaries.  There's "green living," and then there's GREEN LIVING.

    Exactly how far are you willing to go?

    My former blacksmith (shoes my horses) lived without electricity, or running water, and yes that was here in the U.S.A.  Actually it was in Washington State, the state with the highest per capita of millionares of anyplace in the world.  A very wealthy state to say the least.  

    So do you want to know about what buckets hold up to dunking your water out of the river, and how to do it, without getting swept away when the river is at flood stage, or are you not willing to live that green?

    How about living like my husband and I do, on a permaculture farm.  We raise most of our own food.  I can, dehydrate, freze, make soap, make cheese, butter, ect.  I milk my dairy does, and bake bread from scratch, right down to grinding the wheat into flour myself.  We also butcher our own animals.  As meat eaters, the "greenest" meat is to raise it yourself, and butcher it yourself, with zero transportation and middleman costs.

    Do you need tips on butchering animals, or are you not willing to be that green?  I live with indoor hot and cold water, and the standard run of household machines.  Quiet a step up from my blacksmith (whom I greatly admired).

    Or do you just want to be your standard person playing at being green, by using a canvis tote for your groceries, which you continue to buy at the grocery store, which were shipped from thosands of miles away?

    The only way to be TRUELY "green" is to be as self sufficent, and as independant as you possibly can.  So that means producing your own electric, fuel (for auto, tractor, or house), raising your own food, putting up your own food until next harvest, having your babies via homebirth, so on and so forth.  Are you TRUELY willing to be one of the "frindge" people who can care for themselves?

    Perhaps I'm being a bit cynical today.  Maybe I'm just tired of the people who pop up on Yahoo Answers and post how they just installed a few CFL bulbs in their house and now want to know how many polar bear lives they just saved.  

    As someone who works very, very hard producing her own food, both plant and livestock, as well as growing rapeseed and producing our own biofuel to run our trucks and tractors, and is planning on building her own straw bale house totally off other words someone who's commitment to a green lifestyle is very involved, and actually IS making a difference, I get just a wee bit tired and saddened by the majority of people who do not make the honest commitments it takes.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    P.S.  The people on my Christmas list got old, used books, handmade quilts, made by me, and a Great Pyrenees puppy ( to guard their sheep flock), as well as scarves I knitt from angora wool, from my angora goat (I did the shearing, carding, spining, ect myself).  What did you get the people on your Christmas list?

  3. Green paints ?

  4. Here's a great page if you're willing to do some renovations to make your home green!

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