
Want to know more about bellybutton piercing?

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well im pretty definately getting my bellybutton done but i'd like to know some more stuff about it:

how much would it cost roughly in the uk?

does the initail pain last long (i dont mind if it hurts a lot as long as its over quickly, and i know it can be sore afterwards but yeah)?

how long will it take to heal up if i take good care of it?

i know if you're under 16 you need parents permission, so do i need to actually take a parent with me?





  1. It hurts when they stick the needle in

    but when there putting the ring in the pain goes away.

    Its not that bad at all.

    Just a hard pinch feeling.

    If your under 16 yes you need a parent.

    I don't live in the UK so i cant help with that one:[ lol.I suggest to take care of it Sea Salt it keeps it very clean

    and anti-bacterial soap.

    it should heal pretty quick if you keep it clean

  2. no i think you just needed a note signed by ur parents but im not sure and in the uk id think itd cost $30 and also if u get it peirced u may not be able to have babies if something goes wrong so be careful

  3. yes you need a parent & for me it didn't hurt at all.  mine cost $36.  I don't know how much it is in UK.

  4. right on my parents wont let me get any good luck nd all

  5. hey girl,

    ermm i got mine peirced 2 months ago and i had to pay £50 cause i had a gold bar but if you want a normal bar its around £25 i'd say. Its just a quick pinch, it seems bad at the time but when you look bad you'll be like "it wasnt that bad". erm... after i got mine done it was sore for like an hour then i never got any pain after that, only when i knocked it. Mine is healing fine iget a little bit of discharge from it but its normal i just sea salt soak it and use savalon spray between.

    And for the last question i was 15 when i had mine done but i gave the woman my mums phone number and she rang her and got her permission. But you could get her to go with you.

    Hope this helps, good luck its sooo worth it!!

  6. It cost me £15 a few years ago. At good places they will give you a small bottle of solution to take with you to clean the piercing with.

    Good luck x

  7. I don't know how much it is in the UK I'm from the US :)

    The initial pain was practically nothing

    The problem was the soreness... it lasted for a good 2 months for me and no it wasn't a bad piercer or anything, I was very very skinny and didn't have much to pierce so had to have it done a little bit more fleshy I didn't have a flap of skin to use

    Mine never fully healed, I had to take it out within a year. My body rejected it. I was taking very very good care of it too.

    I'm pretty sure you have to take a parent with you. I don't think people take signed forms anymore because you can just forge it.  

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