
Want to know my horrible life story about my abusive mother??!!!!?

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Well my mother is incredibly immature and i just cant taake living with her...i would prefer going into foster care than living with her and im 14. She has both physically and immotionally abused me but i find the emotional abuse to hurt more even though i have about 3 big bruises from the physical abuse...i think that this article was written about me even though i dont know the author.

please no rude comments




  1. Your mother needs professional intervention.  If she is abusing you in any manner you need to figure out how to get away from her.  Are there other family members that you can discuss what's going on in your household with.  Or you can report her to Child Protective Services and they have to investigate your claim.  Or go to the cops.

  2. I'm sorry hon, but you have not said anything about what your "abusive" mother does to you other than she was immature ... that's not quite abusive.  Without knowing what YOU did that caused her to become "abusive" to you, there's really nothing I can say about it.

  3. You should tell a school teacher or some authority about your abuse. You don't deserve to be treated badly.

  4. Oh dear!

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