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by Guest21481  |  earlier

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how come I can basically read people's minds or just read a person even after I've only known them like 10 minutes? and can anyone else read minds and see my past lives or how my life will unfold I kind of have an idea of it but just want more advice and please dont say it cant be done on the internet because some other person asked the same question and got good answers. thanks




  1. I can reads minds a bit, but I'm better at reading emotion. I'm afraid I don't do past lives or future things. I can tell specific things you might want to know, if something will happen or won't it, but I don't have the gift of premonition in the long term sense. But knowing people after you've only known them a few minutes--yeah, I can do that too. Send me a picture of yourself, where I can see your eyes, and I can tell you a lot about you.

  2. My guess is,your readings are not as accurate as you think.You can tell quite a bit intuitively.I'll bet your wrong as much as right about people.

  3. You are unconsciously comparing the person with someone else you have known in the past. People who look alike and come from the smae place and have a couple of things in common ususally have much more in common. It is some kind of psysic phenomonon that psysics use. You are doing it without knowing it.

  4. 1.) I bet there is a natural explanation for why you think you can read the minds of others.

    2.) No one has ever been able to demonstrate they are able to read the minds of others.

    3.) No one has offered any evidence we humans have had any past lives.

    I don't want to rain on your parade, but neither did I want to have you assume without a doubt that such things exist.

  5. I have the same ability (ot so I think). I think that Maybe Zach has a point here. May be we are not as good as we think. If you happen to be as good as you think and you have proof you might beb able to get your own show. Of you can go to  the police and try to help them out.
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