
Want to know whether i have any chance to conceive even after three failed IUIs?

by Guest34406  |  earlier

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Want to know whether i have any chance to conceive even after three failed IUIs?




  1. There's always a chance. A friend of mine was told she'd never have children but couldn't explain why, and finally after 10 years, she became pregnant. Her daughter will be 4 next month.

    Has your doctor suggested IVF?

  2. Yes, you do have chances.  IUI's are not the end of the line ~ you can keep going up the western medicine ladder if you choose.  But, its important to know exactly whats going on to prevent your getting pregnant...Perhaps see another fertility specialist for some different opinions and tests.

    At this point though, I might take a break from traditional western medicine, just for a little while, and think about some alternatives.  You might investigate acupuncturists, licensed and trained of course.  For instance, in my area we have a woman that is pretty successful in working with women who have trouble with traditional medicine (see  But alternative medicine is everywhere and is really growing in success ~ its worth looking into.

    So, don't lose hope and don't give up until you are ready.  Stay strong and be well.  :-)

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