
Want to learn Stock Analysis?

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I have no idea about stock investment. I want to learn stock quantitative analysis. I also want to know when is the best time to sell or buy a stock. Pls. answer more detail. And. How to identify stock price is higher or lower than its real price? I can see many numbers on Yahoo Finance like ROE, ROA, P/E, EPS, NI, Rev., Profit Margin....but I do not how to do quatatitive analysis. I do not know the price is over or under price, too. So, pls. tell me how should I start it!




  1. I have created a Site specifically to help people new to the stock market, there are free trading training articles covering, getting started, what you need to know and setup before you trader " the stock traders checklist", Charting, Indicators, Technical analysis, and even trading psychology.  All of the training modules are free, and iff you register (for free) you get access to a 10 module Traders Academy.
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