
Want to learn a new language but find it hard to stay motivated?

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So I want to learn a new language but every time I try to study I just get really bored and lose focus.

Anybody have some tips to stay focused and motivated?

Perhaps I have adult ADD...who knows.




  1. Teaching and retraining your entire mind is not something simple and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to go through with it.  

    First of all, how are you learning it?  Are you taking a class or do you have audio tapes/books/whatever else?  I strongly suggest taking a class at a university or community college because then you have a set amount of time every week that you HAVE to go.  Plus, you receive irreplaceable amounts of practice that will aid you when trying to communicate to and not just understand foreigners.

    Should you go a different route stick to a routine.  If you have audio tapes make sure that you listen to only them in your car...and just keep them playing when you're at home.

    I don't suggest you try to teach yourself from a book...languages can be very confusing and there one is easily distracted from a few pages.  The other methods are more "hands on" if anything.

    The first few years of learning Spanish for me was very difficult, but once I started reading books and news articles I became much more motivated.    What I enjoy doing is finding an article relevant to my interests in Spanish and translate it as best I can.  It really increases your passive vocabulary so if nothing else you can understand people better!

    Good luck!

  2. Suggest going college or university level and take classes for any language. My wife is deaf, and even though she an excellent teacher, I went back to college to get certified in ASL. Now I'm on call 24 hrs a day for interpreter in ASL @ $75 per hour. Not bad pay for a second or third language.

  3. oh dude, I think I have the same problem, but what I can say about staying motivated is having a reason or some kind of drive to learn the language. Like say I was going on a trip to Italy, then I'd sure as h**l make sure that I learned that language. Sooo, perhaps plan a trip far off into the future that corresponds with the language that you want to learn and the day of the trip will kind of be the deadline for when you have the learn the language by.... just an idea.. =P

  4. Move to where they speak the language and sink or swim in it.  That is how I learned French.


  6. Get a really hot tutor ;)

    Like Topless Tutors in Van Wilder.

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