
Want to locate 620/19bis Le Quang Dinh,P1, Go Vap. on Ho Chi Minh city map?

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want to see the city map with the st. location





    Here is a decent map, but you'll have to zoom in real close (hold control key and scroll up with your mouse to zoom).

    You'll find Le Quang Dinh street near the bend in the Railroad that runs from the center of the map to the top right. It runs roughly North-South. Go Vap district is at the top of the map above Phu Nhuan district. So in fact, your address is probably right around the railroad tracks.

    As the other poster mentioned, the slash means it's in an alley off the main street. And bis is French for another - in the US, it would be 19A and 19B.

  2. I don't know where to get a street map of HCM City but wonder if you know how to read the address with the "/" and "bis".  As in the US, one side of the street is odd-numbers and the other even-numbers.  However, over there the street numbers skip by 2 (142, 144, 146 and so on), not 142, 168, 190 like in the US.  The slash means at the house numbered 620, there is an alley.  Go in the alley and look for unit # 19.  There should be two units #19, hence "bis".  The "19bis" is the only you're looking for.

  3. If you want, i will help you. I can take you to this address.

    It is free. if u agree, my Y!messenfer: crystal_heart176

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