
Want to marry a boy secretly.i want to register my mariage so as the ageproof the court will except my 10th c

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how much it will cost.we need an an advocate for this or not




  1. If you have to marry someone secretly then you are not ready to get married.  And the fact that you call him a "boy" tells me you are too young.  Being married is about making a lifelong decision.  The reason that people have weddings, is to show the world that they love someone and are celebrating starting a life together.  Do you really want to do that in secret?  It does not sound like a good way to start a life.

  2. Dear friend,

    As a matter of fact, you should not do it secretly. Take your parents into confidence and seek their blessings. However, if you want to persue it, no matter. Both of you will have to give application to the Registrar of marriage. You can submit the copy of your 10th Certificate. That be a genuine proof. As regards cost, it will not involve much of money. But the Registrar will ask you to come after a month's time. At that time he will register your marriage and ask you both to sign in their register.

  3. You need a marriage license and a person who can legally officiate the marriage, and two witnesses of adult age to sign as witnesses....and you need a birth certificate to get the license. And proof of identity.

  4. Are you f'ing out of your mind!??!

  5. Dont be panic, that is very simple. Just approach the marriage registrar office, there u can find lot of brokers who will arrange everything(advocate and other things) for u and u have to produce 10th or age proof along with two adult witness(friends). The brokers will demand from Rs2000 to 10000 accordingly(go through some known person to save some money). There r two laws governing marriages, one is the law govrning that particular relegion if both r of same relegion and another is special marriages act in case both partners r from different relegions.In special marriage act the court will put some notice at court campus announcing the marriage for 1 month and then u can marry if nobody objects by that time. Dont worry u will defenitely get marry if u have some enough money.All the best.          

  6. First answer my question, before you want answer from me.

    Why do you want to marry a boy SECRETLY?

    In India the age for boy fixed is 21 years and for girl 18.

    How about you?

    Are you an orphan (what about your parents?)

    You have to make many things clear for a proper answer.

  7. Are you underage or something? Your question is not really clear.

    The general answer is this: in the US, every state has different laws and different procedures and costs for marriage proceedings. You will have to find out which court in your specific county handles marriage licenses. If you are underage, in most cases your parents would have to sign for you, but again, it's different everywhere.

  8. Please don't do it, i just had my dream wedding and you will regret this for the rest of your life. Trust me.

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