
Want to move from MN to CA, need some insight!?

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Im a 22 year old guy and I am sick of MN where I live. I want to head out to CA. How do I just move to CA with limited funds? Where is the best places to work? Ideas?




  1. California is Really expensive. Rent in my area Modesto Ca for a 4 bed house is $1500+ and we are about an hour and a 1/2 from San Francisco you cant even get a decent apartment there for that. Have a game plan before you come. Gas is $4 a gallon and grocerys are high too. If you have no support system here you will have a hard time. Alot of people think its all sand and surf here I reccommend a visit first get an idea of what you are getting into.

  2. No offense, but California is EXPENSIVE if you have "limited" funds.  If you are that young... stay put until you have some money saved.  Otherwise you run the risk of getting out here and still struggling.

  3. Depends on your limited funds. CA is pretty expensive. Try aiming for smaller areas, not necessarily the big cities like the Bay Area and LA, etc.

    I lived in Oakland (Bay Area) and it was really expensive compared to where I live now (Merced-it's in the Central Valley)

    EX: a 3bd 2ba apartment in the Bay Area is well over $1,000/mo. Here in Merced, my roommate and I just found a 3bd 2ba for $706/mo.

  4. I just moved from Minnesota in September out here to California!

    It depends on what you do because the houseing market is horrible and so is the job market, everywhere! CA is not all it is cracked up to be! I regret moving here! If you do business you can find a job in San Jose, Gilroy Salinas, or even San Francisco! To live in those places is pricey unless you move to a downscale neighborhood or somewhere close. San Jose is the best oppurtunity for jobs! Plus it is so close to many cities! you can consider it Minneapolis and the cities around it would be like Coon Rapids, Andover, they have a lot of farming. If you chose San Jose I would live in Hollister it is beautiful thats where I live, or even gilroy. There not to far away and they have nice communities!

  5. Why would you want to leave Minnesota? The North Woods are a wonderful place to live.

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