
Want to move to Paris, possibly become a citizen... ?

by Guest65965  |  earlier

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is there a website i can resource? any actual advice?




  1. How about the official website of the French Embassy. Also, contact your local French embassy for details and  the department of immigration.

    Good Luck. = )

  2. You could start up a business in France.  The Caisse des Depots and Consignations (CDC) might even give you a grant or a low-cost loan if you're going to create jobs for people.  I learned about them during a study abroad trip a few years ago.

    Good luck - I wish I could figure out a way to move there, too!

  3. well the apartments are very very small and expensive. a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom is considered big

  4. The obvious website is that of the Embassy of France to the United States:

    There certainly are a fair number of American ex-patriates in France but there are a variety of practical difficulties involved.

    First and foremost is that unless you are independently wealthy you need to support yourself in France.

    That presents several problems.

    The French government has the same attitude towards foreigners coming to their country  to find work as the American government has and the same sort of restrictions.

    Even if you could overcome this hurdle, and its not easy, can you speak fluent French?

    Even if you can speak French, what type of education do you have? Unless you're planning of working as a ditch digger you need credentials that will be recognized by the French. given the  state of American education that may not be easy.

    The best course may be to find work here with an American company that has a presence in France. After establishing yourself here in America you can wheedle a transfer to France. Another good choice is to work for the American government and seek a posting to France.

    My best advice is this. If you are thinking of moving to Paris as an adult version of runing away from home or if you think that Paris is some sort of paradise where everything is free and you don't have to work then forget it. For all its charms (and they are considerable) there are also difficulties.

    If you're unhappy here you'll be unhappy there because what makes life really worthwhile has little to do with outer place and everything to do with inner peace.

    EDIT: if you're just going to live there and don't need to be an employee then its just a matter of appling for a "visa de long sejour." People with money are generally welcome. After five years residence in France you can apply for citizenship.

    EDIT2: Of course its rather difficult to square your statement here with other statements you have made in previous questions referring to being "betrayed" or that you are "heading for divorce" and wondering "when is it time to call it quits and start over?"

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