
Want to own my house, according to my stars when it will be my DOB 17/11/70 at 07:12am, Kanpur. Please answer?

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Presently i am in a small place near to Jaipur. And m from kanpur, Want the reside in NCR.




  1. In your horoscope,lord of the 4th house(property) is Saturn who is placed in his debelitated sign(aries) and thus he  is weak.Mercury's dasa is going to start in may,2009,who is posited in lagna and is also lord of the 11th(gains).Therefore it seems that your desire for a house can be fulfilled during his dasa.

  2. Dear friend your own house will be 17-11-2009 to 17-11-2010 it is best time for you making or

  3. You can ask for free advice in forums like these, but 99 times out of 100 the answers will be rushed, even if a good astrologer answer, because s/he has other pressing business and paying clients to attend to. Cursory readings of horoscopes are dangerous at best.

    You can get a free reading on the internet. But frankly I'd rather marry a computer than have one interpret my personal horoscope.

    Therefore please have a proper reading done: www (dot) vedicastrologer (dot) net

    The answer must reference the 4th House, it's owner, occupants, and aspectors. It must also reference Mars and Saturn as well as two important Vargas (divisional charts). Beware of any answers which do not.

    Again, please obtain a careful reading. I would love to be of service. All your specific questions can be answered there. Quick answers to specific questions are always dangerous, because astrology takes place correctly only when the thousands of counter-balancing factors are correctly weighed against one another.

  4. your ascendant scorpio, moon sign gemini, and your constellation Aridra, balance of rahu dasa at birth 3y-5m-24d. and now saturn dasa jupiter sub dasa upto 12-5-2009. you own your house before may 2009. with high effort it`s possible before oct-nov-2008. goodluck.

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