
Want to read about a walmart refund joke?

by  |  earlier

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an older lady went to the service counter to get a refund for a toaster she bought that didn't work.the clerk said he couldn't give a refund because it was on clearance. at that, the woman threw her arms in the air and started yelling "kiss me you fool, kiss me". the befuddled clerk asked her why she was acting that way. by that time,most of the stores customers were seeing what the commotion was all about. she explained to the clerk that every since she was a young woman, she liked to be kissed before she got screwed. at that point, the store manager over heard her, and promptly gave her a refund, laughing her @ss off as she handed the old lady her refund.




  1. I like it

    I like it

  2. i don't get it

  3. I wonder what I would get if I try that with this reject coffee maker good old Sam sold me! Funny joke Cliff I'm going to try it :)

  4. haha

  5. hahaha! very good! will you be my friend and tell me a joke to make my day? no so good mooded lately..

  6. Now that's a good one. I will have to remember that for the next time.

  7. I am cracking up!!!!

    You are a funny man!!!!


  8. lol, funny

  9. i don't get.........

  10. WTF???

  11. That was way to kool.  You can come up with the best cup cake caper.

  12. Still at it, huh Cliff?

    I guess she didn't get a kiss or anything else in that line. LOL

    Are you getting any emails? I am just wondering.

    I want Sawman to video tape that. I would really like to see him in action. LOL

  13. Ha ha ha ha that was good. thanks.

  14. Hey, C.W.!

    Aha! Us old ladies know when we're bein' screwed,

    and that's a fact!  (We should; we've got the experience...)

    Reminds me of the one about the  "good ol' boys" creating a

    stir at the United Nations...they annouced they were going by

    rocket to the Sun... (yeah)

    The members were up in arms, naturally...

    Finally  the Chairman brought

    some order to the assembly, and said to the "fellers",

    "Um...that's not -maybe- such a great idea;  you'll burn up..!"

    At which time the "spokesperson" for "the boys" spoke right up

    in order to reassure the distingushed members...

    "No problem. We're gonna go at NIGHT!"

    (Again.. WHERE ARE! these guys!?)

    Thanks, C.W. ;  that was fun...!  }:>

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