
Want to rent a boat for my wedding in montreal. where do i go?

by  |  earlier

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I want to rent a private boat, for at least 24 hours. i find places in the states but none here in montreal. The wedding would be for july next year.




  1. It sounds like you already have a lake, or the saint larwence seaway in mind already. Contact a local marina most of them have rentals.

    Iroquois Marine Services

    0 Hwy 2

    Montreal, QC H1A1A1

    (514) 652-2666

    Maison Des Marins Jetee Alexandra

    Jetée Alexandra

    Montreal, QC H2Y2B2

    (514) 288-6886

    Marina Mr B Enr

    268 Rgdel'ile St Jean St

    Montreal, QC H1A1A1

    (514) 568-5112

    Summerstown Marina Limited

    1040 Lacasse Rue

    Montreal, QC H4C2Z3

    (514) 931-1611

    Tv Tour

    1751 Richardson Rue

    Montreal, QC H3K1G6

    (514) 931-1443

    Bartos Joseph Dr

    Montreal, QC H3V1H8

    (514) 735-6963

    (514) 735-6963 (fax)

    Cafe Grande Gueule

    Montreal, QC H3T1Y8

    (514) 733-3512

    Club Nautique Jacques Cartier

    Montreal, QC G4X1A0

    (514) 368-1288

    Club Nautique Jacques Cartier

    Montreal, QC G4X1A0

    (514) 368-8141

    Marina Daniel Viens 5 Bd Bourque Omervl

    Montreal, QC J1E3S0

    (514) 868-6737

    Marina De La Ronde

    Montreal, QC Q2Q2Q2

    (514) 875-0111

    That should be enough localy to get you started.

    good luck and enjoy your special day.

  2. Hi,

    The best place to go is : Click on web link..

    They are the best and you will be happy.

    Good luck..

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