-Batista enters first with about a 3 minute entrance.
-Cena enters stage, stares at crowd for 30 seconds, decides to walk down ramp, stares at Batista, gets in ring.
-Then the 2 minute staredown.
-Finally after 5 minutes & 30 seconds of nothing, we get the match.
-They stand on turnbuckles to get crowd reaction, with Cena beating Batista with the 5 year olds.
-Cena pushes Batista, Batista pushes Cena into ropes, spinning power slam.
-Cena finally gets up, says wait, you can't see me. Batista goes to hit Cena, Cena ducks, off the ropes, hits the Throwback.
-it's 5 knuckle shuffle time! Cena connects, Batista gets right up, shakes the ropes like Ultimate Warrior, grabs Cena for Batista Bomb, Cena gets off (sorry ladies), goes for FU, Batista gets out of Cena's finisher, Cena trips Batista, STFU!
-Batista so close to tapping, then wait outside interference comes in, so both men don't lose, to keep credibility for the young demographics.
-Therefore this match, is a DRAW! Fans get ripped off, but will come back, b/c they don't know better.