
Want to see a counsellor but afraid of 'rejection'?

by  |  earlier

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Basically, I have wanted to see a counsellor for my anxiety for awhile now. Some of you might understand its really hard to just go and get help.

Well the only thing that is keeping me from going is this: my marjiuana use. I do it every so often during the week, mostly on weekends. I have been for nearly 4 years now.

I'm afraid that if I get help, they will 'blame' it on the pot usage, even though I have had symptoms of anxiety before. I only found out this past year that I may/probably have anxiety issues, which is why my life has been a halt for a year or two now. I felt the same about certain things I get anxious about before, during and the years into smoking pot. Only, before I would only get really anxious and worried for days, now I avoid certain daily activities.

So I want to know, would a counsellor actually take this into consideration if I talk to them about what has been going on, and would he/she prescribe medications (if she were to), regardless of the marjiuana use?

Do not tell me to stop smoking pot, that is not the answer I am looking for. I do not NEED marijuana when I don't have any, but I do "NEED" nicotine when I dont have any. I would really appreciate some serious answers.. thanks.

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  1. Your problem isn't anxiety - it's accountability.

  2. It depends on the counselor.  Many counselors do immediately write off your anxiety problems as mostly weed related.  Many don't.  I have anxiety issues that I am finally starting to get out of.  It doesn't sound good, but it's not a general, I've never been through it answer I'm giving you.  Pot and cigarettes are rough on people with real anxiety issues.  I've had them since I was in third grade.  I started smoking weed and cigarettes in 7th grade and loved them both till I was in 11th.  Anxiety disorder is more than just being anxious when smoking weed. Lots of people can smoke weed, but someone who has an actual problem with anxiety can suffer from it.  Quitting weed probably won't solve your problems, but it can make it so you can start trying to solve them.  Once you have, you can try weed again.  Don't give up.

  3. i was forced to see a counselor a couple of years even though i didn't want to. but they really are helpful people. i didn't tell her all my problems immediately but once i got comfortable with them i let them know everything i was doing in my life and they helped me tremendously. so u should definitely go

  4. I'm sure you won't be the first person to seek counseling who's also tried self-medicating with pot or stronger substances.

    An experienced counselor would know how to deal with this.

    BTW, a counselor, therapist or psychologist can't, and won't, prescribe medications for you -- only an M.D. -- a psychiatrist -- is legally licensed to do that.  And I strongly doubt that a psychiatrist would prescribe medications for you if he or she knew you were using pot on an ongoing basis -- I would think there would be way too much possibility for negative drug interactions between the prescription meds and the marijuana.

    You don't want to be told to stop smoking pot, but if you seek counseling they almost certainly will tell you just that -- maybe not so much because they blame your anxiety on the weed but because your pot smoking would interfere with your therapy.

    So then the question is -- which is more important to you, successfully treating your anxiety, or continuing to smoke pot?

    Your choice........

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