
Want to see why McCain isn't a hero?

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The tapes are not available because they are in Vietnam. McCain and his supporters have stopped the investigations.




  1. I found that pretty interesting. What was it they called him again...Song Bird, I believe it was...

    * I think in the YouTube video, it says that there was a bill passed so that the videos couldn't be exposed. I believe McCain was one of the biggest advocates for that bill, too.

  2. there is not even a way that can pull that bs off.

  3. Your hillarious!! You may as well just cited Huffington!!

  4. doesn't matter what you show them or tell them. they will not see they do not care to know what we know cause jesus is walking in john McCain's shoes they think he is going to walk on water and fix the usa and I can tell you the only think he is thinking of is how to take away some more of our rights and lead us into fascism. we need to get it away from them and save our constitution  

  5. WOW!! Youtube isn't the greatest source to get your information from!

    McCain/Palin 2008

  6. You may think you are intelligent, but after watching your recommended youtube blurb, I doubt you have ever delved into Dornan's history in politics. Some, on both sides of the isle, thought he needed psychiatric help. Some of his remarks concerning g**s,Jews and blacks are just plain juvenile and offensive.The Republican "attack dog" was attacked as much he "attacked." Real research involves an intelligent effort to present the facts, without comment or prejudice as to your own judgements or conclusions. True historians rise above rhetoric,supposition and innuendo.

  7. Is John Kerry on that team too? Maybe they can have a reunion and throw some more medals over the white house fence.

  8. what about the other that do? he is a hero theres no proof those people were actuly there could just be a quick smear job by the left I trust the ones that they actuly prove they were there

  9. If he made 32 tapes for the Vietnamese government where are they?

  10. yes, this is the biggest story that should be out not the Saga of Sarah. McCain's who campaign is based on getting the sympathy of people because his war story. He is actually taking advantage of people by doing this. Even if it was true he would be playing on the kindness of people to take advantage of them. There is another video of him storming out of the hearting he was in with the P.O.W's families & that is the saddest one I have ever seen. There are also pictures of him living in luxury with the enemy. People who put you down for showing them the truth should be ashamed of themselves.

  11. wow you tube..they can't be wrong,   lol

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