
Want to share my good news?

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After struggling to make ends meet without a job and on a limited income, I've been awarded some Council Tax Benefit, not a great sum but I'm so grateful. Hopefully, a job will come my way soon and I can come off this. However, I was told I could probably qualify for income support. So I went down that path today. After some 2 hours or so on the 'phone I was told that my income could be made up to the national minimum living cost and I would have ( the wacking sum of ... 96 pence per week! How can I spend this huge amount of tax payers' money wisely?

When discussing the amount someone (who?) could live on, I listed my outgoings, including paying monthly for my TV licence, to be told that a TV did not count as an essential. Well strictly speaking, I suppopse I could live without it but as my TV is amost 14 years old, it's not worth anything to anyone else so no-one would benefit from its disposal. So my £11.61 per month is my one luxury. I feel so guilty.




  1. invest that in the Grain Futures~!!!

  2. poverty,poverty,poverty.

  3. Drop the sarcasm and get off your backside and work!!

  4. Ok,?

    thanks for the points

  5. What can I say!Do not spend it all at once!!

  6. Generally, jobs do not 'come your way'   they have to be looked for.    Hope you find one soon.

  7. How much are you paying for your broadband connection?

    Blackwells right get a job.

  8. You serious?  What is 11 pounds going to do for anyone?

  9. It is always the same.  Those who really need some help never seem to get it.  Perhaps if you had been a scrounger all your life instead of working you would be able to claim more. But reading your added on bit it is evident that you are genuinely in need of help on a temporary basis at least and not one of those who know all the wrinkles about getting it all for nothing. I once had to sign on for work after being made redundant and know how humiliating this is.  Fortunately I found work easily.  Good luck and don't let these miserable point-scoring individuals make you feel worse.

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