After struggling to make ends meet without a job and on a limited income, I've been awarded some Council Tax Benefit, not a great sum but I'm so grateful. Hopefully, a job will come my way soon and I can come off this. However, I was told I could probably qualify for income support. So I went down that path today. After some 2 hours or so on the 'phone I was told that my income could be made up to the national minimum living cost and I would have ( the wacking sum of ... 96 pence per week! How can I spend this huge amount of tax payers' money wisely?
When discussing the amount someone (who?) could live on, I listed my outgoings, including paying monthly for my TV licence, to be told that a TV did not count as an essential. Well strictly speaking, I suppopse I could live without it but as my TV is amost 14 years old, it's not worth anything to anyone else so no-one would benefit from its disposal. So my £11.61 per month is my one luxury. I feel so guilty.