
Want to start a political career but how do i go about it?

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I am interested in going into politics, but how does an average person go about it? I know you need an education, and i am currently attending college, but after that where do you start? I would like to one day run for a congressional seat, but how do i go about starting myself on that goal? Please only serious answers, i do believe people without millions of dollars can and should run for public office, so any advice would be helpful.




  1. Learn how to steal, and sell out the country, and have have a big mouth full of lies, no feelings whatsoever, you will only work a few days every four years, and drive new cars.

  2. Just ask Al and his millionare cronies they might let you in on the secrets of skirting around the problem and blaming others! Al Sharpton that is! Ha!Scammer!

  3. Run for a local office, like the School Board,or City Council.

    While serving make contacts, solidify your views and your personal platform, stay squeaky-clean (i.e. no s*x scandals, no cheating, no illegal nannies, pay your taxes on time, etc....), and start gathering friends who will help you move up to the next level of government. Find an ally who can manage your political career in the same way actors have managers (in politics they're called Chiefs of Staff).

    Oh, and while you're on your way up, always do your best to make a difference for good whenever you can!

  4. Study Political Science and start working, after completing your study, at the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Or take Ms. Clinton as an example. She studied Law................

  5. Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA

    or equivalent.  Your college can give you information.

    It would be nice if you could run for office without millions of dollars, but that would be the same as standing on your front porch and trying to yell loud enough to get the attention of the entire city.  It's a big country.  It's expensive to try reaching them all.  In Dallas, there were 11 people running for mayor.  Most people didn't even know an election was coming up because the candidates didn't try getting their attention.

  6. Form your own ideas, be consistent and stick by them and above all, DON'T LISTEN TO THE POLLS.  They will cause you to flip-flop, which breaks the consistency rule.  (Not to mention they're wrong nine thenths of the time.)

  7. It is a sad testiment to democracy when people usually have no idea how to become involved in the process.

    It is simple. Participate. Join a political party. College education helps, law, political science or international relations are all useful for politics.

    But you have to become involved. Personally I think locally. Put an advert in the local paper, find people who want to improve the local community and work together to do it. Maybe writing letters, protesting or just going out yourelf and fixing things (eg, fill in potholes in the roads, clean graffiti off walls etc). But that is me.

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